hey i'm 22!!
Today was an awesome day! It stated of with me turning off my alarm clack and continued to sleep for another 30 min, great! After realizing that I had already committed to not missing church again I decided it was a good time as any to pull myself from my warm bed and get myself ready for the day. After pulling myself together I soon found myself sitting in the hard wooden pews at St. Thomas, this time it was right behind a class coffin, holding a real-live dead body of some guy dressed in old rotting clothes. I think the sign said that he was “buried” in the 15th century. I’ll read the sign next Sunday and let you know. But anyway I received my ashes, because I missed Ash Wednesday [woops]. However this ashes Wednesday had a little Czech surprise element to it; I guess here the European style of receiving ashes is to get them sprinkled on top of your head, not smeared on your forehead. After that we sat and listened to the priest read the reading and talk his talk. The reading today was probably my favorite, just because I think it is neat, it explains the rainbow as God’s promise to Moses not to flood the earth again. I don’t know why I think it’s kinda neat, I just do.
Anyway the rest of the day was filled with warm birthday wishes, a huge bottle of cherry vodka (thanks to the brits), Hello! Magazine, and yummy cookies! After a small nap [i.e. me=passed out while trying to read new Hello! Magazine, not from drinking] we headed to the hockey arena to watch Praha take on Pardubice. It was awesome to be able to watch a real hockey game on my birthday! It’s something that I have wanted to do since forever and it always works out that I am at school, and can’t see a proper hockey game. But since I had no idea who to cheer for, it didn’t really matter. Mack and I did our best to choose but looking at the roster for each team and picking our favorite based on who had the best good looking guy on the team. It was a wash. So we rooted for the home team and turns out it was a tie game, so no hurt feelings on either end. I t was interesting to see their jersey in comparison to the ones I am used to seeing at home. Here every square inch is covered with a logo for a company, a miniature advertisement, and the ice is just the same. Everyone had scarves with the teams name and logo embroidered on it. At a drop of a hat members of the audience would take the scarf from their neck clasp the two fringed ends together and twirl the fabric in the air, as if they were trying to take off. The fans were so into this game is was great, even way up in the nosebleed seats, you could feel the beat of the drums bellow in your chest. You could see and feel the energy in the air. All in all it was a great day. And I just wanted to thank everyone who sent me a Facebook message, sent me and e-mail, or e-card, or just told me happy birthday. It really made me feel quite special and loved. It also was good to be able to speak and see my family on the computer via video cams and microphones. I miss you guys and thanks again, you really made my day.
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