Tuesday, April 11, 2006

You know those once in a life time opportunities...
Like getting awesome box seats to a hockey game for free.... well that happened to me! Monday night play-off hockey Sparta-Praha vs. Slavia-Praha. Game two of a seven game series! Wow it was awesome!

So how were the tickets obtained? Alex [my friend from KSU, with whom I go to the same church with] knows a lady through St. Thomas [our church] who asked Alex if he'd like to go. Alex, knowing that I am a fan of hockey, asked me if I wanted to go too. Me thinking that theses were just regular seats, was all about checking out some play-off hockey.

Well when we got there we meet Alex's friends and collected our tickets. We were soon ushered into a small waiting area where we were scanned for weapons and searched for other things no one should bring to a hockey game. Soon we boarded an elevator that took us three stories up and delivered us to a long corridor filled with wooden doors. By this time I knew these weren’t just any seats there were BOX SEATS!!!

We found our room and proceeded to mix and mingle with the other guests who all were 35+ so it was a little awk, but who cares there was a buffet of delicious food. This was looking like a message from GOD! It was truly amazing. We sat through the first period, cheering and holding our breath that the home team would keep their two nothing lead against Sparta-Praha, which they did for two periods thank goodness!
During the first intermission we loaded out plates with chicken breast, Spinach Lasagna, Mashed Potatoes, cooked veggies, and mini-potato pancakes. And for desert there was a multitude of mini chocolate cakes with various fillings, and a platter of fruit. Oh my goodness it was absolutely delicious!

For the second intermission we visited the Czech Hockey hall of fame, which was no bigger then a conference room. Each of the walls consisted of glass display cases filled with hockey jerseys from the beginning of time to more recent Olympic and NHL jerseys, all of course belonging to Czechs who have made it "big."

The end of the game drew near, and the final score was 2-1 with Slavia-Praha tying up the series 1-1. Game three will be in the other Arena, home to Sparta-Praha. Let's hope that Slavia will win this next match up, and hopefully win the play-offs

alex in the hall looking for our SKY BOX!

much closer this time

it cleared out fast


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