Wednesday, October 04, 2006

My project is finished! After four days of three hour sleep-filled nights and countless times of watching the sun rise for the second time in one day, my model is complete and my drawings are printed, bring on the grading!
So for this short four week design project, we were given the opportunity of create a park pavilion in City park, downtown Manhattan. Our instructor placed a few restrictions on our design scheme. For one, and most importantly, we could only use one of the following structural systems: lattice, cable structure, fabric/masted, and pneumatic. And out of these choices I picked to exploit the nature of a fabric structure.
Basically through numerous study models and sketches, I settled upon a wishbone shaped steel tube arch system and positioned them in opposite directions of each other to create a artificial canopy. The artificial canopy reflects the context of the park, by creating an overhead plane and boundary that springs from the ground. Under the fabric clad arches there is seating for 3,800 people, a stage, storage, restrooms, an ice rink and small administration building. To further the metaphor even more, buildings wave themselves in and out of the sprawling fabric structure.

how do i feel about this project... rushed not really all that happy with it, but given more time i think i could discover it more and develop it further, possibly making a better stronger design project.

on and entirely different note... we have a new cat at the Knoxberry house! Deeply saddened by the departure of Milo [he went to go live with my sister :( ] my roommate brought her brothers pet cat up to the Knoxberry house [I guess the brother can't have the cat where he is living]. But so far so gooooooooooooooooooooood! I love this little guy, Sam. He is completely black with a few white hairs on his tummy. He is the most snuggly cat ever. I was sitting on our couch last night and all of a sudden Sam jumped in my lap and asked for a lot of attention. He is Milo’s polar opposite, he wants attention all of the time and follows everyone around everywhere. After dinner Monica headed back to studio and I was the only one in the house. I headed to the bathroom to brush my teeth and soon enough there was Sam sitting in the bathroom watching me clean the ol' pearly whites. He is adorable!

Oh yeah hockey season starts today! And the blues play tomorrow, get ready it's going to be a good year [hopefully]!


Blogger MrTMSOE said...

hey hey! sounds like you're having the same experience as me... staying up late for a week working on a design project, not quite being satisfied with the results... hope thing are fantastic with you otherwise! and by the way, no one cares about professional hockey GO WISCONSIN BADGERS!

9:59 PM  

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