Sunday, August 27, 2006

it is definitely that time of year again... the smell of sharpened pencils is in the air, the sound of perforated note book pages being ripped from their spiral bindings and nothing but assignments and to do lists... school has started. Without internet in studio and a broken laptop still in St. Louis, I have been..... out of touch.
The first week of school went by pretty smoothly. We were introduced to our studio project, which for now consists of mostly research and case studies, but will soon enough deal with tensile and fabric structures, something which I have never really dealt with before. I am a little nervous about not knowing what I am doing but I guess I will learn in time...hopefully.
I have two night classes [7:00-9:30 p.m.] which I am very excited about, watercolor and history of modern European Architecture. Watercolor seems really relaxing but I have a feeling that I will find a way to get stressed out over a bunch of paints, paper, and water. In history I pretty much take notes, read and soon will have an oral report to give over one of Europe's better modern architects. This history class is taught by one of my favorite professors. He has a way of making his lectures feel more like a story time, as opposed to a long winded lecture based on boring facts. I can easily sit and listen to him spill little secrets about architectural masterpieces and try to keep up with note taking.
On Tuesdays and Thursdays I am taking yoga/palliates course at a local gym for one credit hour. After two classes I love it! It is very relaxing and at the end of class we get to do a pose called the dead man... just laying on the floor all sprawled out, which reminds me of sleeping! I have to say the first class when the lights were turned off and the music was turned on, I felt a bit cheesy. The music had inspirational voice saying things like "relax", "let the mind open", and then our teacher prompted the relaxation with her own sayings..."let your stress fall to the floor." I couldn’t help but smirk a little, suppressing my laughter as much as I possibly could. It all seemed a bit too much, but I tried to embrace this yoga mentality and let the weight on my shoulders fall to the floor. The funny thing is, the instructor is married to one of my previous architecture professors. As I walked in the first day and told her my name, she looked me straight in the eye and said "Oh so you are my architecture student." With a smile I said yes. And she soon asked me what year I was in, and after telling her that I was in my fifth year she said with a big grin on her face "Oh you are going to really enjoy this class, and you are really going to need it too." Upon hearing this, my inner monologue said ..."grrrrrreat, another year."
By Friday I had received schedules for each of my classes, and with this brought on a swelling feeling of anxiety. The increasing amount of deadlines, dues dates and other college activities made the semester seem shorter than it ever had been before. Despite the fact that I am taking fewer credit hours than I have in previous semesters, there seems to be very little down times. I was looking forward to making a few visits home to the Lou this semester, but the way things look right now, it’s gonna be tough.
So here is to the rest of the semester [undoubtedly a good one], I am sure it will be full of all things educational and all things not.


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