Monday was full of last straws for me if you know what I mean. I think that my first day of school was the worst day I have had here in the Czech Republic thus far. If you don’t want to hear about the bad stuff then this would be a good opportunity to stop reading. I mean most of what happened didn’t even really have to do with being here, just a crappy sequence of events.
Early morning (for me at least) I awoke with a soar throat and a stuffed up nose. It was unbearable. I couldn’t hardly begin to think how I was to make it through this day feeling like this, dizziness, hunger pain/ the feeling having to puke my guts out, having to blow my nose every three seconds (which never seemed to help) and the inside of my throat felt like I had been trying to swallow sandpaper all night. I made my way to the bathroom and AGAIN the entire bathroom floor was covered in water. It drives me nuts, that our shower is this bad! Nothing seems to drain, except to on the tile floor. After wading trough the bathroom floor water, I headed to breakfast and started my day.
Despite the rough start I made my way to the first studio presentation, which by the indication on the course selection sheet said it was presented in English. HAHA, not the case. After sitting through thirty minutes of Czech; the professor finally looks around and asks if there were any foreigners in the class. About half the room is full of confused faces that slowly raise their arms (thank God I was not alone.) The professor gave a two second synopsis about the topics she had discussed in Czech with the CTU students and continued her presentation in Czech. In all honestly she did try very hard to inform the non-Czech-speaking group of students the various projects available for the semester, and they did seem quite challenging and interesting. However the overwhelming feeling of being cast aside and left out, almost as secondary students was more than I wanted to deal with for an entire semester.
After lunch many of us made our way to another studio presentation. [Here at CTU the studio professors give small presentations on the various studio projects they will be teaching over the course of the semester, the students visit these small/short presentations and decide from there who they want to stick with for the rest of the semester] This room was located in room Z-587. Now one might infer from this room designation that the room would be located in the Zikova building on the 5th floor somewhere, maybe towards the end, who knows. Once again, not the case. Upon entering the building and walking up one flight of stairs I was faced with rooms labeled in the 400’s, naturally and logically, one would think that the next flight up would be home to the class rooms in the 500’s,[never mind the fact that you are on the third floor by this point.] Still no sign of rooms labeled in the 500’s just rooms beginning with 600’s. This is where my frustration level began to raise from the green to the mustard. Feeling a bit nervous that the next studio presentation started in the next five minuets and I still had no idea where the room, I (and a couple of friends) asked for directions.
After being informed of how to get through the labyrinth like corridor, we B lined it to our class room. Up a flight of stairs to the 400’s made a left at the end of the hall where there are 200’s, through a circular room that connected to a secret set of stairs and finally into the hall which housed the 500’s. THANK GOD WE MADE IT ON TIME! Not like it mattered much, the professor was late by 15 minutes; maybe he couldn’t find the room as well.
After dinner I was looking forward to a quiet evening in my dorm room, listening to my ipod, writing, and sketching my journal. I unwound my head phones from around my ipod, plopped down face first on to my bed and shook of my shoes and pressed play. Nothing. Nothing. Nothing. I frantically made sure my head phones were properly inserted into the electronic device, yeah that was ok. So I turned it off and restarted it, still nothing, looked at the data that was stored on it, yup pictures still there, music not so much. Apparently the heavens broke apart and decided that it would be a good idea to wipe all the music I had stored safely and soundly (and legally) on my ipod, leaving me music-less. I wanted to scream, throw that good for nothing piece of plastic out the 5th story window and watch it break into a thousand pieces. How all my music left me I will never know; all I do know is that I spent the next four hours trying to figure out what went wrong and reformatting it so I could put what littlie music I had on laptop on to my ipod. Well at any rate I received some music from friends hare and downloaded some music from lime wire, and now I have an astounding collection of 387 songs only down about oh 2,700 songs. Ugh! It has been a rough day hopefully the rest of the week will be better.
the devil