Friday, June 02, 2006

Today was the first beautiful sunny day here in Prague in a long time, and what was I doing? Oh I was inside working on my model for studio. It wasn't too bad cutting chipboard with rays of sunlight streaming through my oversized west facing windows. It actually was quite nice. Since Thursday, studio work is all I have left to work on. I turned in my final projects for sculpture and art in architecture. Making the number of complete [as in ended] classes come to five while leaving only one incomplete, but that will be taken care of on the 12th when we have final presentations for studio.
For my final art in architecture project I took images that reminded me of home and abstracted them to create a visual answer to a rhetorical question I had asked myself just after arriving here in Prague. The different media that I used included water color, tin foil, ink pen, pencil, trace paper, and carefully crafted words.
Thusday afternoon, after tuning in my project i retuned to my dorm room, and set out to red line my drawings, [i.e find and correct errors]. I looked down at my right wrist , looking at my watch, to see the time when I saw that my usually dependable Timex ironman watch was blank, dead, void of any information. I hardly can remember a time when my wrist was without it. The blue face was now worn to gray blue matt finish, the silver top coat was worn to the plastic underneath. Lately my watch had been acting funny and unfortunately was beginning to get water logged. So to say the least it was time for a new one. I headed to Tessco and found a replacement for my wrists companion, and on my way home from this excursion I stumbled across some interesting activity in the city center. Tents were set up throughout the squares and each had their own band playing different genres of music. I stood with the other tourist and on lookers and watched these music men play some lovely songs.
After returning home I continued work on my drawings for studio. As the night carried on my phone rang, it was time to leave the dorm and enjoy a bar other than the one in our basement.
Somewhere near the city center we found a pretty cool music bar, kind of hole in the wall, relaxed and cheep. There were brown tables stretching from one end to the other. Names of previous visitors were scratched and craved into the tops of each table, a reminder of the patrons visit to the music themed bar. After a few beers and meeting a group from Syracuse University, we headed home via the 56 tram and crawled into bed around 4:00 just early enough to see the sun begin to peek over the horizon.
Today, the state of my desk showed that some progress had been made my model, bits of chipboard and shreds of scraps lay strewn over the top of my desk. My progress maybe slow, but it is moving along and that is the good news. As I was sitting, gazing at my computer screen, reading various blogs and searching the internet for random information, I noticed the beautiful blue sky just beyond my window. Just when my focus changed from the great outdoors to the glowing screen before me, fireworks started to appear. Flashes of light shot through the air; gold and silvery flares of light exploded; danced across the dusk sky, leaving behind trails of smoke, flashed of dying sparks. Mack and I stopped and watched for the entire show and were disappointed when it ended. Back to work I suppose, at least for another few days.


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